Save the 1st Saturdays of each month to volunteer at your school

Greetings Friends and family,

Next Monday, August 13th, 2018, school kicks off in the Oakland Unified School District.

Which means, schools should plan to save all the 1st Saturdays dates (the first Saturday of each month) of the year as the “official monthly volunteer/recruitment day”. promotes schools to utilize the 1st Saturday of each month to volunteer in the school garden, plan their farmers market and to grow to eventually govern their own grocery store.

“They” is what we call #Familyhood.

#Familyhood is the collaboration of the schools Student Government Association, Parent Teacher Association and Alumni Associations. For short the math formula is #F=SGA+PTA+AA. Each month, #1stSaturdays creates this collaboration by hearing updates from each of these three organizations. If the school does not have these organizations functioning yet, then the updates during the 1st Saturdays event would relate to status of formalizing the missing organization(s).

#Familyhood , I define as a community development strategy that utilizes schools as the center of community development.Like the human body needs a healthy heart, liver, lung, brain, etc, #Familyhood believes a healthy school needs to have these three main organizations not only functioning on school causes but in collaboration.

#Familyhood is driven by two motto’s: 1) every school shall have a functioning Student Government Association, Parent Teacher Association and Alumni Association. #Familyhood promotes collaboration between these organizations once a month through 1st Saturdays- The “do now” strategy to advance a community towards #Familyhood. 2) Every school shall have a garden, a farmers market and a grocery store.

#Familyhood plants the seed of Alumni of schools participating larger in the affairs of their school and its surrounding the community. The schools role is expanded to protect, preserve, and promote its well being through the increase participation of its Alumni.

#Familyhood realizes an individual is usually a student i.e. in high school for 4 years and graduates. If he lives to lets say 80. He or she would be an Alumni for around 60 years.

Therefore, the role of the school, according to #Familyhood, is to not only prepare a student to enter the job market or college after high school, but to prepare the student to come back, support and improve the school and its surrounding community after graduating.

The root of this beginning is Student Government. After giving the students hands-on training in leadership they will be better equipped to lead within their neighborhood.

Or so is our thinking…

We are reaching out even more and asking YOU to join, support, share, sponsor the efforts of #Familyhood in your school district.

We created the site: to assist schools with promoting their 1st Saturdays to volunteers/community leaders, etc.

We are also utilizing the following social media handles: & to spread the good news.

If you represent an organization, PLEASE sign on as ” supporter“.

Join the other supporters today!

We thank you in advance for your support!

Kind regards,

David N. Roach
The Familyhood Connection Inc
Co-Founder/ Director
Our Mission is to promote programs that being the generations together to improve communities!


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